
  1. Clone from the Git repository:

    git clone
  2. Make sure that while you’re installing you are using the same Python environment (virtualenv?) that you also run KA Lite in.

  3. To install a fresh KA Lite together with ka-lite-zim, you should use virtualenv

    pip install virtualenv      # Installs virtualenv
                                # ...prepend "sudo" for system-wide
    cd ka-lite-zim/             # Go to the source folder
    virtualenv ./venv           # Creates a new virtualenv in ./venv
    source ./venv/bin/activate  # Activates the virtualenv
    pip install -e .            # Installs an editable

    If you already have KA Lite installed on your system, just CD to the directory and run the installer, provided that you have already activated the environment that KA Lite runs in:

    cd ka-lite-zim/
    python install  # Add sudo in front if KA Lite is installed system-wide
  4. Make sure you have KA Lite installed and that you have issued kalite start at least once. Then edit your ~/.kalite/ to contain this:

    from kalite.project.settings.base import *


If you install as an editable with pip install -e ., then issuing git pull && pip install -e . from the source directory is enough to update the software. But remember the latter as dependencies might have changed.


If you install as an editable with, you cannot delete the source directory after installing!!


We require a specific version of KA Lite for ka-lite-zim. Therefore, if you already have KA Lite on the system, we recommend a virtualenv.