

Your system should have /usr/bin/ffmpeg available to generate thumbnails on the fly. There are several thumbnails missing in the collection so this is recommended.

To see all options, run:

kalite manage help export2zim

Manually select videos

  1. Run kalite start and go to your browser, setting up KA Lite and selecting the videos you need and downloading them.

  2. When KA Lite has the videos, you want, run this command

    kalite manage export2zim –language=en output.zim

Automatically downloading all videos

  1. Run kalite start, you may run kalite stop after, but the server has to be initialized firstly.

  2. To download a language pack for KA Lite without using the interface, run:

    kalite manage languagepackdownload --language=en --commandline
  3. Now you can run the OpenZim export command like this:

    kalite manage export2zim --language=en --download output.zim


We use a temporary directory to create the .zim file and hard link all the videos. Therefore, if your /tmp folder and KA Lite data are on different devices, you can have problems. Use --tmp-dir=./tmp to specify a different location for temporary files.


We first created ka-lite-zim for ka-lite 0.15.x, and in case you are running an older version of KA Lite or the unreleased 0.16, you should take care if these versions of ka-lite already store data in ~/.kalite. Run commands differently to use different home directories, e.g. KALITE_HOME=~/.kalite_zim kalite manage start and KALITE_HOME=~/.kalite_zim kalite manage export2zim

Remember your also need to change in the new user folder.


The data sets are quite huge, so if you are developing and testing, use the --test flag and everything uses bogus JSON source data.